關於﹙在一起﹚,我想做的是透過摸索的過程作為形式,而不是以既定的形式決定過程。意思是,我會抱開放的態度,本著有限度的資源、原有的制度、師傅們(Li Cheung Chan、金生、強師傅、森哥及華師傅)的建議和幫助、和你,來決定這件作品的內容。
每天展覽開始時都會播放我和我好友Fotini Lazaridou-Hatzigoga的近期作品「明日大致多雲 Precipitations」。歡迎大家收看!你也可以在這油街社區放映棚中舉辦屬於你的放映會。方法很簡單,只要把想播放的影片存到記憶體﹙USB﹚或記憶卡﹙SD CARD﹚中,交給場內的工作人員播放便可。歡迎你帶喜歡的片段來放映,但請謹記,任何人也可以參加你的放映會,請避免播放冒犯性的影像。
In thinking about Living (Together), I wanted to explore process as a determinate of forms rather than form deciding the process. What this means is that I would like to open up the content of this work to the circumstances at play, including the limitation of resources, the systems in which we are embedded, the advice and contribution of the craftsmen (Li Cheung Chan, Mr. Kam, Keung Sifu, Sum Gor and Wah Sifu) — and you.
Each day of the exhibition will begin with the screening of a video essay called “明日大致多雲 Precipitations”, which is the most recent work made by me and my friend Fotini Lazaridou-Hatzigoga. You are welcome to watch! But you are also welcome to arrange your own showing within the Oil Street Community Screening Hut. The simplest way to do this is by bringing your own digital files on a USB stick or SD card and asking one of the gallery attendants on site to load it for you. You are welcome to screen whatever you like, but please keep in mind that other visitors may join, so do avoid offensive material if you can. Organise your own exhibition and film festival inside the hut!